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Great news!

Daina Havens, a behavioral health consultant provided by our PCN, is available every Monday to provide free counselling to my patients in my office. 

Many of you may be struggling with mental health, insomnia, or just feeling overwhelmed. Daina comes from a social work background, with over a decade of counselling under her belt. She is a great resource and I welcome you to use this free resource.

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You can now access your lab results and vaccination record via a secure patient portal.


Register now here.

MyAlberta Digital ID

Calgary Foothills Primary Care Network

Dr. Savoia is a member of the Calgary Foothills Primary Care Network. This is a group of over 500 physicians who have access to many services. These services include counselling, dieticians, pharmacists, and chronic disease nurses. They also have access to workshops covering everything from anxiety to irritable bowel syndrome to caring for the caregiver. These services are covered by Alberta Health Care, with no fee to you. 

Visit the website to see all the CFPCN has to offer.


Your health, your team.

More coming soon!

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