Dr. Katherine Savoia
Family Physician
224A 4935 40 Ave NW
Call: (403) 247-3612
Fax: (403) 247-3662
After hours, please contact 811 to speak to a physician on call for Dr. Savoia, or to be seen in one of the Access 365 clinics across Calgary.
Please note:
Our email is not for booking appointments.
You can use our email for cancelling appointments more than 24 hours prior to your appointment.
If it is within 24 hours of your appointment, please call the office so Barb can fill it with an urgent/emergent patient.
For making simple requests, such as doctor's notes, you may still be contacted to clarify the request or to book a virtual or in-person visit, but we will do our best to deal with simple matters via email.
For prescription requests, please have your pharmacy contact the office. Please allow at least 48 hours for the request to be filled. You may be contacted if Dr. Savoia wants to review your prescription with you.